Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well no news on the paper yet. I am starting to get anxious, i really want to see how i did. Right now I am just finishing up my draft for my portfolio from tomorrows peer review. I will let you know how it goes. I cannot believe it is the end of the semester already. Where did all the time go? I really enjoyed blogging my whole semester though, i know i talked about it last post too but i really do feel that it is great to read after a semester and see where there has been growth and how things change. I do not think i will keep up with this blog, but i have made my own Tumblr site (http://tarayray.tumblr.com) so you can catch me there if you want, I know that some of you already know that but for those of you who do not there you go. I hope that my peer review goes well tomorrow, i feel like this draft is not quite up to par, just for the fact that I do not have my final grade on my essay, and that is something I would like to touch on in my self evaluation essay. Hopefully I will have that back in time to add it before my final draft is due. Well I better get back to my draft I will let you know how it goes and update you on what grade I received on my essay if I get it back.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wow, So I just read over my older posts and it it crazy to see where I started on this project and how it turned out. I started off want to do a paper on the connection between music and teen substance abuse, which I obviously didn't stick with. It is funny to see how the paper just grew from there. To be honest for a while I didn't think that keeping a journal about my project was worth doing, and I was just doing it because it was required and is counted as a project for the class. Now looking at it though it is really a great thing. Even though it has only been 13 weeks it still feels like looking at an old year book. To see how this project has grown and how I have grown over this project. I have done research and really gained knowledge on the topic of the media. My essay was on how magazines use manipulation on make women feel that they need to change themselves. At the end of the essay I state that a change need to be made and women need to be educated on this issue. I feel like doing this research has educated me on this topic and I now know what the media is doing and I feel that I am less susceptible to their tricks after doing this project. I think that anyone who reads my essay will be educated as well, and may too be less susceptible to the tricks of the media, and if I can get anyone to feel this way it will truly be a rewarding feeling. I have sent my paper to couple friends to get their feedback on it and while they are not experts in the field they thought that the essay was easy to read and understand. This was also a great feeling to have. Well I have to go get ready then turn in my final draft. What an exciting day!!! This post may have been a bit scatter brained , but that is just because I have so many things buzzing around in my head right now.
I'll write to you all later! Goodbye !

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well it is finally done. I have gone over it, made revisions and can only hope for the best at this point. I feel a large weight off my shoulders, but there is still the anticipation of the grade to wait for. I really feel like I have put all the effort I could into this paper and hope that the grade I get on it reflects that. Looking at my final paper and at the draft I can see many differences. The major one is that my draft that i turned in for review was not even an argumentative essay. I really messed up and after looking back cannot believe that I turned that draft in thinking it resembled an argumentative essay. That is all over and done with though, my final essay has an argument and a thesis (essential parts I was missing in my draft). I am overall very proud of my final draft and am very excited to turn it in. That will probably be the best part of my day tomorrow. Now that I have finished my essay, I can now go back and revise my project 1. I received a 78 (C+) on that assignment and am not pleased with that, so I intend to make revisions to it. After that all I will have left to do is the portfolio. Where did the semester go? I cannot believe the end is so near. Well I am off to watch a little television and then get some sleep so i will be well rested to turn in my essay tomorrow. haha ! Goodnight all !

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello there
I am sitting here on the computer doing some more revisions. I really hope I am not totally off with these revisions, I mean I know I ma much closer to what the project is actually suppose to be than I did on my draft but i am still a bit nervous. As everyone can tell by now though and for those of you who actually know me, being nervous about writing is a usual thing for me. I just have a hard time understanding how I can sit here and in five minutes write over 100 words, but when it comes to this paper I am completely stumped. Well okay when i typed that out and read it I suppose it makes sense, but frustrating none the less. I just need to get this done and have pride in it too. I feel like I am too hard on myself when it comes to writing and that is why I am having so much trouble. Today in class we got our assignment for our final portfolio and on it, it said don't put yourself down in our self evaluation, I think that is going to be the hardest part of the assignment for me. It's not that I don't have pride in my work, i really do I just lack some confidence. I really feel like my high school teachers did not prepare me enough for college level writing. I'm not making excuses that is just how I honestly feel, but i suppose if they had tried and pushed harder I probably would have complained, but hey at least I could have thanked them for pushing me. I do not really have much to thank them for now though. I do not mean to sounds so bitter and cynical i promise, it just comes off that way over the internet but it is not my intent.
Well I have been distracted from my revisions for far to long so I must get back to them.
Goodbye for now !

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good morning!
Here to update everyone on my paper progress. On Wednesday I met with Dr. Lorde and I truly think I am on track now. I have once again changed my thesis to : Fashion Magazines manipulate women into feeling inadequate about themselves so they will buy their magazines to better themselves. I think this is going to be my final thesis and my paper is on it's way to being done. I now have a thesis and actually an argument this time around, so this paper should be much better than my draft. I still think i may go in on Monday and have Dr. Lorde look over my paper to make sure that I am indeed on the right track. The end is in sight ! I will be so relived when this project is finally over. Of course it won't be over for me till I have a graded paper in my hand. I have put so much time and effort into this paper. I have had some slip ups and have gone in some wrong directions, but I feel that i have gotten it all together now and really hope that my grade reflects my effort.
Goodbye for now !

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Morning all!
After revisiting the stasis theory I think that my essay is an argument of fact. I was able to answer all of the questions included in the area of fact leading me to my conclusion that it is indeed an argument of fact. This morning I am once again attempting do to revisions on my final essay. I want to at least have something to show Dr. Lorde. I do not want her to think I have just been sitting around not looking at my essay, because I have. My issue still is that I don't know what my argument is and if I am creating new knowledge. I think I have created my new thesis. It is: Fashion magazines have damaging effects on womens psyche by telling them how to look and live their lives. I think that this is a thesis that some people could agree with and others could disagree with. I could be still going about this wrong, but that is exactly why I am going to see Dr. Lorde today to hopefully get right on track and finally get this paper over and done with. If you can't tell already I am pretty frustrated with this project at the moment, or maybe I'm just frustrated with myself and the fact that I can't seem to make any strides in revision. I'll let you know how my meeting goes.
Bye for now!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One of the prompts this week asks us to explain what additional research we need to do for our revision. For my essay I do not think I need to do any additional research. My essay was mainly research, which is something I needed to cut back on and but more of my argument and own words into my essay. I am still having a great deal of trouble with my revisions on my essay. I plan to go in tomorrow during Dr. Lorde's office hours and have another talk with her about my paper. I don't want to go in, in tears but it is down to the wire and I need to get my butt moving on this final revision. I am just short of freaking out and I hope to get things worked out tomorrow. I just have to push myself through this stress I am feeling and get through this project so that I can go back to project 1 and get that out of the way too.
Well I'm off to bed,