Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Well no news on the paper yet. I am starting to get anxious, i really want to see how i did. Right now I am just finishing up my draft for my portfolio from tomorrows peer review. I will let you know how it goes. I cannot believe it is the end of the semester already. Where did all the time go? I really enjoyed blogging my whole semester though, i know i talked about it last post too but i really do feel that it is great to read after a semester and see where there has been growth and how things change. I do not think i will keep up with this blog, but i have made my own Tumblr site (http://tarayray.tumblr.com) so you can catch me there if you want, I know that some of you already know that but for those of you who do not there you go. I hope that my peer review goes well tomorrow, i feel like this draft is not quite up to par, just for the fact that I do not have my final grade on my essay, and that is something I would like to touch on in my self evaluation essay. Hopefully I will have that back in time to add it before my final draft is due. Well I better get back to my draft I will let you know how it goes and update you on what grade I received on my essay if I get it back.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wow, So I just read over my older posts and it it crazy to see where I started on this project and how it turned out. I started off want to do a paper on the connection between music and teen substance abuse, which I obviously didn't stick with. It is funny to see how the paper just grew from there. To be honest for a while I didn't think that keeping a journal about my project was worth doing, and I was just doing it because it was required and is counted as a project for the class. Now looking at it though it is really a great thing. Even though it has only been 13 weeks it still feels like looking at an old year book. To see how this project has grown and how I have grown over this project. I have done research and really gained knowledge on the topic of the media. My essay was on how magazines use manipulation on make women feel that they need to change themselves. At the end of the essay I state that a change need to be made and women need to be educated on this issue. I feel like doing this research has educated me on this topic and I now know what the media is doing and I feel that I am less susceptible to their tricks after doing this project. I think that anyone who reads my essay will be educated as well, and may too be less susceptible to the tricks of the media, and if I can get anyone to feel this way it will truly be a rewarding feeling. I have sent my paper to couple friends to get their feedback on it and while they are not experts in the field they thought that the essay was easy to read and understand. This was also a great feeling to have. Well I have to go get ready then turn in my final draft. What an exciting day!!! This post may have been a bit scatter brained , but that is just because I have so many things buzzing around in my head right now.
I'll write to you all later! Goodbye !
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Well it is finally done. I have gone over it, made revisions and can only hope for the best at this point. I feel a large weight off my shoulders, but there is still the anticipation of the grade to wait for. I really feel like I have put all the effort I could into this paper and hope that the grade I get on it reflects that. Looking at my final paper and at the draft I can see many differences. The major one is that my draft that i turned in for review was not even an argumentative essay. I really messed up and after looking back cannot believe that I turned that draft in thinking it resembled an argumentative essay. That is all over and done with though, my final essay has an argument and a thesis (essential parts I was missing in my draft). I am overall very proud of my final draft and am very excited to turn it in. That will probably be the best part of my day tomorrow. Now that I have finished my essay, I can now go back and revise my project 1. I received a 78 (C+) on that assignment and am not pleased with that, so I intend to make revisions to it. After that all I will have left to do is the portfolio. Where did the semester go? I cannot believe the end is so near. Well I am off to watch a little television and then get some sleep so i will be well rested to turn in my essay tomorrow. haha ! Goodnight all !
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hello there
I am sitting here on the computer doing some more revisions. I really hope I am not totally off with these revisions, I mean I know I ma much closer to what the project is actually suppose to be than I did on my draft but i am still a bit nervous. As everyone can tell by now though and for those of you who actually know me, being nervous about writing is a usual thing for me. I just have a hard time understanding how I can sit here and in five minutes write over 100 words, but when it comes to this paper I am completely stumped. Well okay when i typed that out and read it I suppose it makes sense, but frustrating none the less. I just need to get this done and have pride in it too. I feel like I am too hard on myself when it comes to writing and that is why I am having so much trouble. Today in class we got our assignment for our final portfolio and on it, it said don't put yourself down in our self evaluation, I think that is going to be the hardest part of the assignment for me. It's not that I don't have pride in my work, i really do I just lack some confidence. I really feel like my high school teachers did not prepare me enough for college level writing. I'm not making excuses that is just how I honestly feel, but i suppose if they had tried and pushed harder I probably would have complained, but hey at least I could have thanked them for pushing me. I do not really have much to thank them for now though. I do not mean to sounds so bitter and cynical i promise, it just comes off that way over the internet but it is not my intent.
Well I have been distracted from my revisions for far to long so I must get back to them.
Goodbye for now !
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Good morning!
Here to update everyone on my paper progress. On Wednesday I met with Dr. Lorde and I truly think I am on track now. I have once again changed my thesis to : Fashion Magazines manipulate women into feeling inadequate about themselves so they will buy their magazines to better themselves. I think this is going to be my final thesis and my paper is on it's way to being done. I now have a thesis and actually an argument this time around, so this paper should be much better than my draft. I still think i may go in on Monday and have Dr. Lorde look over my paper to make sure that I am indeed on the right track. The end is in sight ! I will be so relived when this project is finally over. Of course it won't be over for me till I have a graded paper in my hand. I have put so much time and effort into this paper. I have had some slip ups and have gone in some wrong directions, but I feel that i have gotten it all together now and really hope that my grade reflects my effort.
Goodbye for now !
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Good Morning all!
After revisiting the stasis theory I think that my essay is an argument of fact. I was able to answer all of the questions included in the area of fact leading me to my conclusion that it is indeed an argument of fact. This morning I am once again attempting do to revisions on my final essay. I want to at least have something to show Dr. Lorde. I do not want her to think I have just been sitting around not looking at my essay, because I have. My issue still is that I don't know what my argument is and if I am creating new knowledge. I think I have created my new thesis. It is: Fashion magazines have damaging effects on womens psyche by telling them how to look and live their lives. I think that this is a thesis that some people could agree with and others could disagree with. I could be still going about this wrong, but that is exactly why I am going to see Dr. Lorde today to hopefully get right on track and finally get this paper over and done with. If you can't tell already I am pretty frustrated with this project at the moment, or maybe I'm just frustrated with myself and the fact that I can't seem to make any strides in revision. I'll let you know how my meeting goes.
Bye for now!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One of the prompts this week asks us to explain what additional research we need to do for our revision. For my essay I do not think I need to do any additional research. My essay was mainly research, which is something I needed to cut back on and but more of my argument and own words into my essay. I am still having a great deal of trouble with my revisions on my essay. I plan to go in tomorrow during Dr. Lorde's office hours and have another talk with her about my paper. I don't want to go in, in tears but it is down to the wire and I need to get my butt moving on this final revision. I am just short of freaking out and I hope to get things worked out tomorrow. I just have to push myself through this stress I am feeling and get through this project so that I can go back to project 1 and get that out of the way too.
Well I'm off to bed,
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hello again,
I have again tried to do revisions to my paper, but am having a very difficult time doing so. I began by writing an outline of my draft as Dr. Lorde suggested. I found that I need to make some big changes. My next step was taking a draft and cutting out each paragraph to have all my reasearch out in front of me so when I begin to do my revision I could write about the magazine covers and just stick the research I have done into the areas where it will fit. I am having a bit of trouble with the revision. I am not sure if it is my approach or if it is my nerves getting to me. It is getting down to the wire so I NEED to get this revision done with, at least so I can meet with Dr. Lorde to see if I am on the right track this time. I sure hope this works out, I'll let you know how it goes.
Good Morning !
So after reading my past post I realized I mentioned the magazine covers without giving much detail about them. I have three cover in total and they are Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and Allure. They are going to be the focus of my final draft. I will analyze them on their pictures and on the headlines they have on them.
I chose multiple fashion magazines to prove that though they are different magazines, they all have something in common. One of those things being the ability to play on womens insecurities and provoke them to want to change their life style or buy a product. It is this idea that brought me to my thesis.
Well I have to get to class so sorry for the short post I will update you later on my revisions tonight.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Well I had my conference the other day, and it was interesting to say the least. I mean it wasn't terrible, but of course not what I was expecting. As in my previous posts I mentioned how I was having a very difficult time writing my 'final' draft for review and it showed i suppose. My introduction was not up to par, I did not state my thesis as I should have, and I had other errors within my introduction as well. Overall the paper needs MAJOR revisions as well. Dr. Lorde said that I should focus more on the magazine covers. My plan is to write more on the magazine covers and as I am analyzing them take paragraphs from my draft and place them where and if they fit in to my analysis. I am very nervous to begin the revisions process because I am terrified that it will turn out worse than my draft. As usual I will update you all on how my revisions are coming. Also I got my bibliography back and got an 85% on it which I am very pleased with.
Bye for now !
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
As everyone knows today is Wednesday, meaning today is my conference. I am very nervous and excited about this at the same time. I hope some of my essay can be salvaged for my final revision. Some of the questions I am going to ask Dr. Lorde include:
-What can I change about my thesis to have it better connect to my paper?
-What ares can I expand on/ shorten?
-Can I end my introduction with a quote like I did?
Oh man I have so many questions I hope she doesn't become annoyed with me. I signed up for the last conference of the day so I would not be taking up other peoples conference time, but I also have a chemistry exam today so i hope I am not late to that or that I have to cut my conference short. The goal I have today for my conference is to leave it feeling very confident about my essay and the direction it is going in so I can work on finishing it up this weekend. I will let you all know how my conference goes later, but now I must go continue to study for chemistry.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hey just stoppin' by to leave a quick post !
I had my mother read over my essay today, and she thought it sounded alright. She suggested that I review my organization and possibly better explain in some areas. I know it is hard to read this not be able to see my essay, so you have no idea really what I'm talking about. I see an area to ass video and pictures, but I have no idea how to attach my paper, It must be very simple I'm sure, but unfortunately I lack heavily in computer skills. I am sure I can get someone to help me, and if you are reading this and you'd like to help me out by all means send something my way. I think I will do further review of my paper tomorrow, but again as I said in my last post I do not plan on making many changes till I have had my conference with Dr. Lorde, that is when the major revisions will happen.
Well that's it for now.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I'm Back ! It's been a while I know but because of Easter weekend it's been busy.
Alright well It's done, not my final but the draft anyway. It may not seem like a huge stride, but as you guys can see from my last posts I was having a pretty tough time with it. I feel like I have to do some major revisions which I might work on tomorrow because I don't have class due to conferences, but I also just want to meet with Dr. Lorde see what she has to say so I can go from there. So maybe I'll just do some minor changes for now. I am going to be so excited for this final to be turned in and done with it, but I am also sooo nervous ! I feel like I have put in the work, but is it up to par? I sure hope it is. I will try to keep you guy updated on changes that go on. I think i might post my final up here for all of you to see if you are interested (My guess is no one will be, but hey why not right?)Alright well I'll probably be back soon.
bye for now
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
AHHHHH ! Guys I am completely freaking out ! Alright so Monday I didn't touch my draft because I figured I needed a break from it, so I'd work on it and polish it up today (Tuesday) . Bad choice let me tell you.
So I'm looking over my draft and doing some revisions, but then i start to cut chunks out of it and then soon I look and I've gone from ten pages to seven, seven pages ! This is how I always get I feel so good about my work and then i second guess myself and end up ruining it. ughh. I feel that my argument is common sense and that I am not creating any new knowledge. I really wish we had had a conference before and after drafts were due, I guess I could have gone into office hours (which I've done) but I guess I didn't because I really felt like I was heading in the right direction. I just do not even know what to do right now, I sent Dr. Lorde and e-mail but I sent it pretty late and besides it would be really difficult to help my current situation over e-mail anyway, but seriously why does this always happen. I just wish writing didn't scare me so much, I do not wish I was world best writer, or anything close to that I just wish i could write without freaking out like I do, JUST FOR ONCE. As I've explained in a couple posts and to those of you who know me personally writing is a huge source of stress for me, it throws my stomach into knots and makes me light headed, it's not that I can't write it is just it scares me I guess you could say, what a strange thing to be scared about right? Alright well I better be off none of this is getting me any closer to getting my draft polished up and rewritten I guess you'd say.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hello there everybody !
Sorry I haven't written in so long, things have been pretty crazy around here. Hmmm now where to start? I think I last left off saying that I was working on my bibliography, which I finished and turned in last week. My Tentative thesis that I put on there and so far is still my current thesis is " The media plays off insecurities of women to get them to want to strive to become what they see in advertisements." I feel that as my draft progresses that will change but at the moment that is what is it. Let's see what else do I have to update you on? Well I have been working on my rough draft and trying to get that ready for Wednesday, I'm not sure how polished it will be but I'm sure trying. I have come up with so my questions and am just itching to have my conference with Dr. Lorde, I thought about going into her office hours, but I suppose I can wait a week because then I can see if I have anymore questions and then just ask them all at once, and who knows maybe as I go on I will be able to answer the questions I have now and not have to worry about asking them. Oh my well I better get back to my homework. I realize I am a couple entries behind but I promise I will catch everyone up on how my paper is going in much great detail and soon as i can even catch my own breath, man these last two weeks have been so full, I cannot wait to just be able to sit down and have just a little bit of me time.
toodles !
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Well Hello There Strangers,
Spring break is coming to a close and of course I am not ready to go back. As for my paper progress I have accomplished little. (Big surprise) I have however made progress on my Biblography. It is due on Wednesday and I am super super nervous that I have missed things, I do not want to be one of those students who ends up owing points. I still have to re-find past sources, but just a few so nothing too major. One thing i did get started on my paper was the outline, the skeleton is looking good so now I just have to add to it and put in my research and I should be well on my way to getting my draft written. After a week of relaxing then pressure is starting to build, which is never a good thing. I just need to take it one day at a time but as that due date gets closer and closer my stomach is flipping and flopping. I feel ready, but am I really? I hope Dr. Lorde is ready to have me at her office hours these next couple weeks. Well I should probably catch up on my sleep so I'm ready for classes tomorrow, oh boy it's going to be a longggggg day.
Spring break is coming to a close and of course I am not ready to go back. As for my paper progress I have accomplished little. (Big surprise) I have however made progress on my Biblography. It is due on Wednesday and I am super super nervous that I have missed things, I do not want to be one of those students who ends up owing points. I still have to re-find past sources, but just a few so nothing too major. One thing i did get started on my paper was the outline, the skeleton is looking good so now I just have to add to it and put in my research and I should be well on my way to getting my draft written. After a week of relaxing then pressure is starting to build, which is never a good thing. I just need to take it one day at a time but as that due date gets closer and closer my stomach is flipping and flopping. I feel ready, but am I really? I hope Dr. Lorde is ready to have me at her office hours these next couple weeks. Well I should probably catch up on my sleep so I'm ready for classes tomorrow, oh boy it's going to be a longggggg day.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
To complete this assignment I will have to use the books and other sources of material I have found in my research folder. It is time to get on to finishing up my bibliography, once that is complete I will have to go back over all my research and root out what I plan to actually use in my draft and what i do not. In an earlier blog I had mentioned that I had chosen four commercials to analyze for my essay. I will have to look up websites and see if I can find them online to add them to my bibliography page and have them at my disposal so I can refer to them quickly and easily, rather than waiting for them to be on television (not that is so hard considering I see them ALL the time). Though I am feeling the pressure of starting my esssay I do not think it will be as stressful as I am making it to be. I feel I have enough research and information to get a draft written, however as I begin to write I may find that I need to do additional research. Next week is spring break, giving me time to relax as well and giving me a great deal of free time to begin and make major head way on this project. I am not sure if anyone is still reading this due to the topic of this blog, but I will continue to write on here for those of you who are still loyal ;)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
This week our first prompt this week is to analyze project five, this is because there was such confusion in project 1. I feel that i have a better grip on what project five is calling for than with project one. The use of definitions gives a great help to outline the project. Through research I will be able to use what I have learned as well as the sources I have found to argue my point, or what will become my thesis. At this point I am still working on my thesis. As we learned in class the two parts of an argument are to make a claim and then give support for that claim, and this is what i intend to do in the project. This sheet given for this assignment is very easy to read and understand able, which are qualities I hope to have in my paper. The big project is hear and to be honest I am starting to feel the pressure, I think I have everything I need I just need it all to come together for me now.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Well My proposal has been turned in and I am waiting to see if what I got on it and to see if my topic is approved. My research has been made easier now that I have gotten a more narrowed down topic and I have even chosen my commercials to analyze. I have chosen four commercials, two directed towards men and two directed towards women. I will analyze these and use them as examples for my essay. For the men I chose to use a hair growth commercial and a male enhancement commercial, and for the women I chose two make-up commercials. . These types of commercials play off the insecurities of men and women to make them feel the want to change, and in order to make that change they are tricked into believing that they want to buy these products.
Monday, March 1, 2010
So today I met with Dr. Lorde and we discussed my proposal and topic. She suggested that i take out the whole section on subliminal messaging, I had done some research on this but not too much so it will not be a huge loss. While talking about my topic Dr. Lorde said i should narrow my scope further. She suggested that i pick a couple commercials or ads to analyze for my apaer, and include in the appendix. After the meeting I do not feel quite as worried, before i was quite worried that she was not going to accept my topic. In class we did peer reviews, I did not get too much feedbakc from my reviewer so I will just have to use my instincts on my revisions, I think I have an idea of where I am headed with it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I just finished doing some revising on my proposal, which went well. However, i can't help but feel that my topic isn't original enough. I feel like I am finding so much research because it has already been done. I can't just change now though. So what I plan on doing is going into Dr. Lorde's office hours tomorrow to go over my proposal ( because it is in desparate need of help ) and also to discuss my topic. I don't want to go in and ask her to tlel me what to do, but i do need some suggestions or direction. I'm sure I can do something with all of this research I have done. I tried to go in last week but we had the library research project in the APC so I was unable to meet wiht her, so I really hope this week works out because the proposal is due Wednesday and I don't want to be "married" to a topic that is not going to work out. Well I'll let you know how it goes ! See ya !
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hey there !
Just here to give you an update on my progress. I have found my narrowed down research question, that being, "How does the medias ability to play on insecurities affect women's psyche? I have found a couple new articles thanks to the library research project we did in class. I have recently come across a few new interesting books as well. The most interesting book i found is titled : The Girl on the Magazine cover: The Origins of Visual Stereotypes in American Mass Media. I just recently received it from the library and intend to read the whole thing for not only research purposes, but only for personal purposes. I will keep you updated on the book as I read it. The other books I have found contain interesting chapters, but as a whole are not worth reading entirely. Overall my research is going very well and I feel like I am finally on track. I plan to got up this weekend or the following weekend to check our their library and see if i can find any more interesting literature to add to my research folder.
I'll keep you updated ! Bye now !
Just here to give you an update on my progress. I have found my narrowed down research question, that being, "How does the medias ability to play on insecurities affect women's psyche? I have found a couple new articles thanks to the library research project we did in class. I have recently come across a few new interesting books as well. The most interesting book i found is titled : The Girl on the Magazine cover: The Origins of Visual Stereotypes in American Mass Media. I just recently received it from the library and intend to read the whole thing for not only research purposes, but only for personal purposes. I will keep you updated on the book as I read it. The other books I have found contain interesting chapters, but as a whole are not worth reading entirely. Overall my research is going very well and I feel like I am finally on track. I plan to got up this weekend or the following weekend to check our their library and see if i can find any more interesting literature to add to my research folder.
I'll keep you updated ! Bye now !
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hello there !
I haven't written in a while so I thought I'd better get on to doing that. NOt too much has gone on in the past week. In my last post i had mentioned my topic of women in the media. As of right now my research has consisted of mainly researching mass media. I have found some great background information through Acidemic Search Premier.
The other day we spent the hour going through everyones topics which was really interesting to see where people are headed with there papers. Yesterday we talked about probably the best topic ever. A girl had chosen the topic of Sex, more specifically sex toys. The discussion lasted at least 30 minutes and the possiblities of where the paper could go were endless. Dr. Lorde had so many and it was one of the best discussions in an english class I have ever been witness to. After hearing this topic was so jealous that i didn't think of something so great. I hope to read that paper and see what direction it was taken in. As for my specific direction I am still a bit shakey, but i have some concrete research done so I am not that far behind. Dr. Lorde brought up a good point of how the media plays on our fears to get us to buy products. After she said this it really made me think. I knew she was exactly right and wondered how i could turn that into a research question. I think I will check the PsycINFO database to see what kind of information I can come up with to help lead me to a research question.
Update ya later !
bye !
I haven't written in a while so I thought I'd better get on to doing that. NOt too much has gone on in the past week. In my last post i had mentioned my topic of women in the media. As of right now my research has consisted of mainly researching mass media. I have found some great background information through Acidemic Search Premier.
The other day we spent the hour going through everyones topics which was really interesting to see where people are headed with there papers. Yesterday we talked about probably the best topic ever. A girl had chosen the topic of Sex, more specifically sex toys. The discussion lasted at least 30 minutes and the possiblities of where the paper could go were endless. Dr. Lorde had so many and it was one of the best discussions in an english class I have ever been witness to. After hearing this topic was so jealous that i didn't think of something so great. I hope to read that paper and see what direction it was taken in. As for my specific direction I am still a bit shakey, but i have some concrete research done so I am not that far behind. Dr. Lorde brought up a good point of how the media plays on our fears to get us to buy products. After she said this it really made me think. I knew she was exactly right and wondered how i could turn that into a research question. I think I will check the PsycINFO database to see what kind of information I can come up with to help lead me to a research question.
Update ya later !
bye !
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Finally it has come, my topic ! I was sitting down with my mom and we got on the subject of my research paper and my ongoing quest for a topic. I told her of my original topic of music and my latest idea of anxiety experienced in a school setting. She thought both were interesting , but wasn't sure about either one for me. I started to ramble off new ideas and finally found one that I think I really work with. My idea is talking about the media, more specifically magazines and how nearly all ads in them have a woman displaying a product or in someway associated with the product. Why are woman so played up in magazines? What has caused this? I am so glad to have finally come up with a topic, and all it took was sitting down and bouncing ideas off another person. I think that was my problem was I was so focused on myself and finding a topic that interested me. I was too close minded, but the initial stress of finding a topic has been lifted. Though I had done research on both of my previous topics it was not all in vain, I did learn some interesting new information and may possibly revisit those topics in the furture on my own. As of right now I have soe major refining and tweaking to do with my topic to find the right question. Not to mention get on top of research and finding books ! AHH. Yikes this is going to be a long week/weekend, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up !
I'll post updates as they come along !
Ta ta !
I'll post updates as they come along !
Ta ta !
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
So to be honest at first I thought writing a blog dedicated to my research paper was a bit silly. I mean a journal okay, but an online blog who on earth would be interested in reading about my research paper? However, now that I know I have a few readers I almost feel inspired to keep everyone updated on my progress. I may even start my own personal blog and write about whatever, it seems like a great was of expression I completely understand bloggers now, how close-minded of me to think so little of blogging. Anyways I'm still on the perfect topic hunt. To be honest I think it is the whole thought of writing the paper that is hindering me from choosing a topic and cracking down on it. One of my biggest fears in the world is writing. Some people are terrified of public speaking, well I'm terrified of writing. I mean sure I can sit down here and write this blog, but when it comes to any kind of formal writing for a class I freak out. When I have to write a paper I feel like there is a weight on my chest, my mind goes completely black, and it is just the worst feeling in the world. I tell myself that I just need to take it all in baby steps, but I can't seem to get that overwhelming feeling to go away. I am thinking of doing some research on anxiety, more specifically its ties with the setting of school. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about writing. As for what database I will use, I plan on starting out with EBSCO, because it is my favorite , and then possibly using the Psych database. I plan on doing this research for myself, but with the hope of also turning it into a topic. I feel it is something that affects me as well as interests me and I would like to know more about. I would like to know quite a bit more about in fact. So i really hope that researching this issue will turn out to be my coveted topic that i have been searching for as well as gain knowledge on a topic that seems to stunt my writing, like killing two birds with one stone. I am certain by now all of you who are reading this are sick of my indecisiveness, and for that I am sorry. I am just as fed up with myself as you are I promise. I am already behind and the actual writing process hasn't even begun yet. Ughhh again, WHY CAN'T I JUST DO THIS?! Someone knock some sense into me please !
Monday, February 8, 2010
I'm back already, I'm sure you can't get enough of me. So i checked the discussion board and Dr. Lorde had talked about how she has had students in the past with a similar subject and they didn't seem to like it as research went on. This is just further steering me away from my current topic. Though I have put time into researching I think this is a better time than any to rethink my topic and pick a new one, back to square one.I really didn't think that picking a topic that interested me would be so difficult, though i may jsut be making it harder than it should be (something i tend to do quite often). I'm not too sure if I still want to do something with music or if i want to start completely fresh, guess i'll have ot sleep on that one. I have so many interests so now when it comes down to it why can't i just think of one ?! gahhh oh well I'm sure it will come to me in time, which will hopefully be soon I need to start looking for books. I think I will just let it sit and hit it hard tomorrow when i have a fresher, more clear mind.
Ta ta for now !
Ta ta for now !
I've got internet once again wooo hoo !
haha I know that I probably only have one reader (that being you Mo) so i guess my lack of internet hasn't affected too many. But in the off chance I have anyone else following me I guess I'll give an update to my progress on my topic hunt. I've been checking EBSCO (my favorite database) for information on my topic and so far have found a great deal of articles hundreds in fact. However, with having this great deal of articles, only means i have a great deal of sifting to do. As I look through the articles I find that most of them have more to do with either music or drug addiction. I haven't found too many that talk about both that are worht using. I still have to play around with my wording till I find the perfect one that will find me the articles I'm looking for. I thought I was pretty experienced with working wiht databases, but I guess not. I'm sure i'll get better, and get better at my phrasing. At this point I am very glad that we are not "married" to our topics yet. Though I am enjoying the search, I am still not 100% sure this is the right topic for me. Possibly as I do more research on this topic, another will arise and "speak" to me. haha Well now that I've got my internet back I'll have to check out on what I missed in the cyber world.
That's all for now. see ya !
haha I know that I probably only have one reader (that being you Mo) so i guess my lack of internet hasn't affected too many. But in the off chance I have anyone else following me I guess I'll give an update to my progress on my topic hunt. I've been checking EBSCO (my favorite database) for information on my topic and so far have found a great deal of articles hundreds in fact. However, with having this great deal of articles, only means i have a great deal of sifting to do. As I look through the articles I find that most of them have more to do with either music or drug addiction. I haven't found too many that talk about both that are worht using. I still have to play around with my wording till I find the perfect one that will find me the articles I'm looking for. I thought I was pretty experienced with working wiht databases, but I guess not. I'm sure i'll get better, and get better at my phrasing. At this point I am very glad that we are not "married" to our topics yet. Though I am enjoying the search, I am still not 100% sure this is the right topic for me. Possibly as I do more research on this topic, another will arise and "speak" to me. haha Well now that I've got my internet back I'll have to check out on what I missed in the cyber world.
That's all for now. see ya !
Friday, January 29, 2010
After putting more thought into it, I think I am leaning more towards writing on my topic of music and its connection to teen substance abuse. I think that for this topic I will be able to find a great deal of material. I plan on asking my sociology teacher to assist me in finding literature that connects the two. I also plan on using databases. I used many databases while doing my research paper for English 101, and found them very helpful. Though the topics are much different I'm sure I will be able to find plenty of information.
I see substance abuse as a problem, and though I myself have never had a problem, I know those who have. So this topic has personal meaning to me.
That's all for now folks !
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So I've been thinking of my interests, and I think i want to center my research paper around something about music. Another topic though that I might want to write about is how we document articles. Both interest me and I think that in doing research on either I would learn a great deal, without getting bored and losing interest.
If I did music, I think i would want to focus on how it influences teen substance abuse. I've noticed these days rappers, through their music, talk about doing drugs and being involved in drug trafficing like it is a normal event. In truth the drugs they include in their lyrics are illegal and run a high risk of . I personally listen to these songs, I'm not going to lie. I know the songs, know the lyrics and admittively have them on my ipod. Rap isn't really my thing, but I know to some it is. Anyways, My question is, Is there a direct link to rap music and teen substance abuse? Are there Negative effects to listening to rap music or music with drug references ?
With my topic about the way we document material, I'd like to research first of all, all the types citing. I know myself I get very confused going from MLA to APA and others. I would like to find out very specifically why we have these different types. Why can't we just have one solid way of citing material? If we just had one way to cite, in my personal opinion, things would be much easier. Children would be taught in elementry school and by high school be experts. ehh maybe in a perfect world. There are no doubt reasons why things are the way they are and if I choose this topic I will be about to find out in depth exactly why they are that way.
I am still toying with these two ideas and will have to have one narrowed by the end of the week.
If I did music, I think i would want to focus on how it influences teen substance abuse. I've noticed these days rappers, through their music, talk about doing drugs and being involved in drug trafficing like it is a normal event. In truth the drugs they include in their lyrics are illegal and run a high risk of . I personally listen to these songs, I'm not going to lie. I know the songs, know the lyrics and admittively have them on my ipod. Rap isn't really my thing, but I know to some it is. Anyways, My question is, Is there a direct link to rap music and teen substance abuse? Are there Negative effects to listening to rap music or music with drug references ?
With my topic about the way we document material, I'd like to research first of all, all the types citing. I know myself I get very confused going from MLA to APA and others. I would like to find out very specifically why we have these different types. Why can't we just have one solid way of citing material? If we just had one way to cite, in my personal opinion, things would be much easier. Children would be taught in elementry school and by high school be experts. ehh maybe in a perfect world. There are no doubt reasons why things are the way they are and if I choose this topic I will be about to find out in depth exactly why they are that way.
I am still toying with these two ideas and will have to have one narrowed by the end of the week.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I'm not entierly sure how this whole Blog thing works considering this is my first blog. I guess i will just have try it out and see.
I guess I'll start out with a little about myself. My name is Rachael Bird, I am 18 years old (or years young as i'd like to say). I am currently attending Waubonsee Community College and plan on becoming a Nurse. I really have a passion for helping others and that is why i plan on becoming a nurse in the future.
In my English 102 book titled, Norton Field Guide to Writing, there is a page breaking down my roles in life in four categories. Those categories being Personal, Family, Public, and School. I think I will share where I fit into all of those categories so that any one who reads this has a better understand of myself.
-Music lover
-Cat owner
-Middle class
-Video game player
-Older Sister
-Illinois resident
-Community College Student
-University hopeful
-Honor student
I hope this gives everyone a little more background about myself.
In writing these roles I plan to take one of them and search for a topic I could do for my upcoming reseach paper, which i will be talking about this blog.
Wow, for my first blog post this was pretty easy.
I guess I'll start out with a little about myself. My name is Rachael Bird, I am 18 years old (or years young as i'd like to say). I am currently attending Waubonsee Community College and plan on becoming a Nurse. I really have a passion for helping others and that is why i plan on becoming a nurse in the future.
In my English 102 book titled, Norton Field Guide to Writing, there is a page breaking down my roles in life in four categories. Those categories being Personal, Family, Public, and School. I think I will share where I fit into all of those categories so that any one who reads this has a better understand of myself.
-Music lover
-Cat owner
-Middle class
-Video game player
-Older Sister
-Illinois resident
-Community College Student
-University hopeful
-Honor student
I hope this gives everyone a little more background about myself.
In writing these roles I plan to take one of them and search for a topic I could do for my upcoming reseach paper, which i will be talking about this blog.
Wow, for my first blog post this was pretty easy.
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